Friday 28 September 2012

My books

The Fifth Miracle                                  Paul Davies                                          Penguin Books             ISBN 0-14-028226-2
The Alchemy of Heavens                      Ken Croswell                                       Oxford University Press Inc.     ISBN 0-19-286192-1
Afterglow of Creation                           Marcus Chown                         Arrow Books                           ISBN 0-09-928051-5
Life’s Grandeur                                    Stephen Jay                                          Harmony Books                       ISBN 0-22-404132-0
Darwin                                                 Adrian Desmond & James Moore         Michael Joseph Ltd.                 ISBN 0-71-813430-3

Hyperspace                                          Michio Kaku                                        Oxford University Press Inc.     ISBN 0-19-508514-0
A Brief History of Time             Stephen Hawking                                 Batam Press                             ISBN 0-59-301588-5

The Language Instinct                           Steven Pinker                                       Penguin Books             ISBN 0-14-029123-7
The Blank Slate                                    Steven Pinker                                       BCA                                        CN 108684

La Place de l’Homme dans la Nature    Teilhard de Chardin                              Editions Albin Michel                ISBN 2-22-608496-7
God-Man : Our Final Evolution Mark Hamilton                         Neo-Tech Books                     ISBN 9-11-  75284-6

I Am Right You Are Wrong                  Edward de Bono                                  Penguin Books             ISBN 0-67-083011-9

Thursday 27 September 2012

The son did ask to his father

The son did ask to his father: Dad, would you be part in the marathon with me? The father did answer, Yes! They went to the marathon and they completed it together. Father and son went  together to other marathons, the father always said ' yes' to his son's applications of going together in the careers. One day, did the son ask to his  father: Dad, will we participate together in the ' Ironman'?  The father told him yes  also. The triatlón Ironman embraces about 3,86 kilometers swiming en  the ocean, continued by about 180,2 kilometers of walk in bicycle, and finishing with some 42,195 kilometers of  maratón along the coast of Big Island.    IMPRESSIVE!!!!!!!   


Tuesday 25 September 2012

News!!?? What news?

I knew long time ago that “Jesus” was married, had sons, that the famous Canaan wedding was hiswedding and that his wife and sons ended in the South of France. There is no blinder that the one that don’t want to see…

Yeshua was no more and less that the leader of an Essen fighting group from the “Sons of God” section and he was, by heritage, the actual king of Israel and to be in charge of the temple so the fight was to exterminate the usurpers Pharisee; that’s why when Erodes was informed that the legal King was going to be born but that they couldn’t find where he did order to kill all the babies in the land. He never denied being a Son of God, he always said that “I am Son of God”, not “the” Son of God… as well as “I am the King of Israel”.

Was a pretty long time split among the Hebrews between pro Greeks and pro Romans. The Essen were pro Greek and the Pharisee were pro Romans.

The gospels were written in Greek –not in Hebrew- and later translated to Aramaic. In the times of Moses the Hebrew were already split and the Aramaic Hebrew, living in North of Egypt, were left behind by Moses on purpose.

Yeshua and his group were speaking in Greek between them, not in Hebrew, and his group was divided in 12 sections as per Hebrew tradition, one in name of each of the 12 tribes of Israel (that’s why the Jerusalem temple has 12 doors, each with the name of a tribe) of which section’s warrior chief are being called now “apostles”.

They were armed (Fishermans armed????) that was banned by the Romans (so they were doing something illegal). James did withdraw a sword and hit a soldier when their leader was being arrested, so they were armed…  Nowadays they would be called “terrorists”, not doubt about that…

Yeshua ben-Yosef  = Jesus son of Josef    

Yeshua ben-Yosef

Yeshua is a Hebrew name which has been transliterated into Greek as Iesous (IhsouV: pronounced "ee-ay-SUS"). The English "Jesus"
comes from the Latin transliteration of the Greek name into the Latin Iesus.

Laurence Gardner

Laurence Gardner is a writer and lecturer on historical revisionism. He has written many books on alternative history.
Gardner is occasionally styled "Chevalier Labhran de Saint Germain", "Presidential Attache to the European Council of Princes" and "Prior of the Celtic Churches Sacred Kindred of Saint Columbia". He also claims to be Jacobite Historiographer Royal of the Royal House of Stewart. He is a supporter of Michael Lafosse, in particular his claims to be descended from the House of Stuart, which Gardner claims was descended from Jesus Christ.
Some historians allege that he is a conspiracy theorist; implying that his work is pseudohistory, poorly researched and not scholarly, particularly The Bloodline of the Holy Grail. Evidence for this criticism comes particularly from his mistranslation of the Gnostic Gospel written by Phillip, which he uses to motivate the theory that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and produced a child whose bloodline is the Stuart clan of Scotland.
In developing this theory in The Bloodline of the Holy Grail, Gardner depends on the alleged fact that Jesus kissed Mary Magdalene "often on the mouth" (Ch.5, p. 57 of paperback edition). In fact, reputable translations of the Gospel of Phillip, e.g. Wesley Isenberg in James M. Robinson (Editor), "The Nag Hammadi Library" (1988), declare the noun (mouth) to be undecipherable due to damage to the ancient manuscript. In any case, a kiss on the mouth between early Christian males was a sign of holy love and affection, as evidence by the Second Apocalyspe of James, in which James so kisses the priest Mareim. Further, the remainder of Gardner's paragraph, claiming that the existence of man "depends on marriage", is not to be found in reputable translations at all and is self-evidently a complete fabrication.
In complete contradiction to Gardner's claim that Jesus and the Magdalene were in a physical (carnal) marriage, the closing paragraph of the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas sees Jesus stating that he will lead Magdalene to be "made male" by her faith in him (specifically, "For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven").

  • Bloodline of the Holy Grail (1996) (ISBN 1852308702)
  • Genesis of the Grail Kings (1999) (ISBN 0553817744)
  • Illustrated Bloodline of the Holy Grail (2000) (ISBN 1862047707)
  • Realm of the Ring Lords (2003) (ISBN 1931412146)
  • Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark: Amazing Revelations of the Incredible Power of Gold (2004) (ISBN 0007142951)
  • The Magdalene Legacy (2005) (ISBN 0007200854)
  • Shadow of Solomon (2005) (ISBN 1578634040)
  • The Grail Enigma: The Hidden Heirs of Jesus and Mary Magdalene (2008) (ISBN 0007266944)
  1. ^ Entropic Fine Art Inc - Book
  2. a b The man who would be king—from The Guardian, March 24, 1999
  3. ^ Two reviews of Gardner's book Bloodline of the Holy Grail
  4. ^ Kevin McClure, Gullible's Travels, reviewing Gardner's book The Shadow of Solomon forFortean Times No 203 (November 2005); and Time for Suspension of Belief, reviewing Gardner's book The Magdalene Legacy for Fortean Times No 198 (July 2005), stating that Gardner doesn't respond to enquiries relating to the contents of his books.
External links
  • Laurence Gardner's web site
  • Jesus' Alien Ancestors?
  • A lecture based on Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark

Tuesday 18 September 2012

They treat us like lambs with the adulterated information.


What economic agenda do they have behind the swine flu?
In the world, every year two million people die victims of the malaria that you could be prevented with a net.
And the media don't say anything of this.
In the world, every year two million children and girls die of diarrhoea that could be treated with an oral serum of 25 cents.
And the media don't say anything of this.
Measles, pneumonia, curable illnesses with a cheap vaccine, they cause the death of ten million people in the world every year.
And the media don't inform anything.
But some years ago, when the famous chicken flu appeared …
… the media of the world were flooded of news… jets of ink, alarm signs…
An epidemic, the most dangerous of all!... A pandemic!
It could be hear only speaking of the terrifying illness of the chickens.
And however, the chicken flu only caused in the entire world the death of 250 people. 250 dead during 10 years, what gives an average of 25 victims per year.
The common flu kills half million of people every year in the world.
Half million against 25.
Hold on, hold on. Then, Why was made so much noise about the chicken flu?
Because behind of those chickens there was a " rooster ", a rooster of big spurs.
The transnational pharmacist Roche with its famous Tamiflú sold millions of dose to the Asian countries.
Although the Tamiflú is of doubtful effectiveness, the British government bought 14 million dose to prevent his population.
With the chicken flu, Roche and Relenza, the two big pharmaceutical companies that sell the antivirus, obtained thousands of millions of dollars of earnings.
Before with the chickens and now with the pigs.
Yes, now the psychosis of the swine flu began. And all the media of the world only speak of this…
Anything is said anymore of the economic crisis neither of those tortured in Guantánamo…
…only the swine flu, the flu of the pigs…
And I wonder: if behind of the chickens there was a " rooster "… behind of the pigs… Don't will be a “great pig”?
Let’s look at that that an executive of the laboratories Roche said…
We at ROCHE worry a lot about this epidemic; so much pain… for that reason, we put the miraculous Tamiflú for sale.
And, How much does the miraculous Tamiflú costs?
Good; let’s see… 50 dollars the box.
50 dollars that box of pills!?
You must to understand, Mrs. that… the miracles are expensive”…
What I understand is that those companies take out a good slice from other people's pain…
The North American company Gilead Sciences has patented the Tamiflú. The main shareholder of this company is anything less than the sinister character, Donald Rumsfeld, secretary of defence of George Bush, author of the war against Iraq
The shareholders of the pharmaceutical Roche and Relenza are rubbing their hands, they are happy for their again millionaire sales like with the doubtful Tamiflú. The true pandemic is the lucre, the enormous earnings of these mercenaries of the health.
We don't deny the necessary measures of caution that are taking the countries.
But if the swine flu is such a terrible pandemic as the media announce , If the World Organization of the Health worries about this illness so much, Why doesn't them declare it as a problem of world public health and does it authorize the production of generic medications to combat it?
To do without of the patents of Roche and Relenza and to distribute gratuitous generic medications to all the countries, especially the poor. That would be the best solution.

The good of getting old
As in everything, nothing is 100% bad or 100% good, and getting old is not an exception.
One of the “goodies” of getting old is that we have seen everything before but with different “music”. As the saying goes: “Old wolves with new faces”.
The surviving exercise consist in to get adapted to the new “music” and blatantly use our age as excuse and “jump the queue”.
We have not a chance to compete with young people but we can “abuse” them and take advantage of that “we have been already there”. When they go we have been there and back many times over, so we know “what comes next”. So we can beat them…
The other immensely great advantage of being old is that we give a damn about what other people may think about what we do or what we say. We just give as damn. Our remaining span of live is too short to lose time getting worried about the wrongs when we have not time to enjoy the enormous amount of good things that we have not enjoyed yet.
There is not any law that makes compulsory to be with us, listen to us, agree with us… If someone doesn’t like our life style, our habits, our hobbies, what we do, what we think and what we say and how we say it, just drop dead, get lost, buy a desert and get lost on it and let us alone to die in peace with ourselves. We don’t need anybody around making our last days and last moments a misery.
I do not give even a hint of explanation about what I do, what I like or what I say; so don’t ask me if you don’t want to be disappointed (or even offended…). I make mine that marvellous statement that Henry Kissinger spat just starting that famous press conference” “Who has the questions to my answers”.
And I wouldn’t care less if someone get upset because I am as I am. So what? Probably I am not going to see that someone again in my life…
"Freedom is the right to live as we wish." Epictetus (55-135), Greek philosopher
 And finally, but not last, we do not have to impress anybody anymore, not even ladies, what inferes real freedom. We just don’t care. We do what we like, not what the stupid social rules say.
I thought that I was alone, a kind of alien and yesterday, 14th of August 2012, I read on the Telegraph about what Trumpington Baroness thinks and does. Brilliant!!!! I am you most fervent admirer ma’am.
Yes… The stupid system calls these things “cynicism”. So What?

Miracles and other mumbo jumbo
Never did you stop to think how many things hide from us the "usual suspects"?
Especially how many diseases, natural disasters, "strange things", etc., are really "casual"? How many "miracles" are "miracles"?
As usual, I follow the rule of Einstein: Why? Always "why"... I can not help it, is another habit of the Galicians along with to answer a question with another question and speak with words of double meaning in which a sense is always of derision, contempt or insult.
I'm can not accept "is because it was always so" much less "because I say so". Why always was like that? I understand that this habit of mine can turn the person in front of me into a sadist killer…
“The important thing is not to stop questioning” – Albert Einstein
“There is not shame in not knowing, the shame lies in not finding out” – Russian Proverb
“Absence of proof is not proof of absence” – Carl Sagan
And following that rule, I always gear up to find the reason for everything that doesn't fit, everything that is strange, everything that has no explanation. As a fan of science, and therefore philosophy, I believe that everything is an effect and every effect has a cause, whether we know it or not; nothing can happen from nothing, everything has a cause or a "why". One of my favorite syllogisms is "If A is equal to B, and B equals C, then A is equal to C". While today this syllogism expressed as well as it is , is not valid given the advances in deductive philosophy and Sciences. The right end is "…then, if all possible circumstances and conditions are equal, A is equal to C". The translation into practice of this syllogism is that if in the past, something that had no explanation in the end was found an explanation, sooner or later everything that has no explanation today will have it  in the future (or not… but that does not mean that it has not one, as well said Carl Sagan…). But "miracles" don’t exist...
I have the tendency to investigate particularly the issue of us being used as guinea pigs without saying anything; as the UFOS are not extraterrestrial but terrestrial because they never told us what demons have been experimenting for centuries (the NAZIS in Peenemunde ALREADY had meteorological rockets work of Mr Von Braun; the infamous V1 and V2 were nothing more than the first missiles traffic experiment, also Von Braun’s work; even more scorn, Von Braun was the founder of NASA. NAZI he was, killed thousands of people, was part of the SS, bombed London day and night but he did not pass through Nuremberg, but they took him to the USA and founded NASA); the Russian "katiuskas" were nothing more than what today are multi launchers of rockets as they today use them all armies. And how many things already have they developed that they do not tell us? The time tunnel (it is being experimented in Australia for more than 50 years and don’t you tell me now that they have not developed it when they already did make a law that says "forbidden to interfere with historical facts of the past". They have not already interfered with? Mmmmmm… (*)); the ability of invisibility; space travel; humanoid robots; transformations of the human body (as to fit artificial gills for breathing underwater. Israel is already so advanced in this development that there is a special military unit with them); pests, plagues and epidemics (already did emerge that AIDS was an experiment that went out of hand, i.e.: experiments with  human Guinea Pigs); not aging; immortality already is fairly advanced the "thing"... and a long etc.
Today, given the speed with which the news spreads and the development of the Internet and popular science knowledge, they are saying things - gradually - which already they cannot hide anymore, but they still do not say since when "things" have been going on, although it doesn’t take to be a rocket engineer to realize that it is impossible that "that" did develop from one day to the next... So then, Since when?
[(*) – Jonah’s "whale" that "ate him and returned him alive and without distortion", the "chariot of fire" of Elijah, "rain of fire" of Sodom and Gomorrah and as she "became statue of salt" due to stop to look at what was happening, the "universal flood" (Universal?). How on Earth would you call a submarine or aircraft when they had no technical words in their vocabularies to call it and much less ability to assess anything of that kind  because lack of cultural and scientific knowledge, mental capacity…? Universal... What was for them the "universe"? No further than what was then "the known world" for each social, ethnic or tribal sub-group. Just think if you go back in time and tell someone from the time of the Inquisition that you come from the year 2012 and it takes flying hour and a half from London to Madrid... I do not believe that you were going to be even put in a bonfire, you will be stoned to dead on the spot...
It could be writing for centuries on the subject. I already have a good and fairly large file on these subjects. So I going to pass to you a few of the links I have classified by subject.
Note the dates of when the things did start to happen or to be developed. How was the normal man in the street in those years? What was the level of popular scientific knowledge? Therefore… Those things could not be made public without causing collective panic. Or collective rebellion...

Above Top Secret
Aurora hypersonic airplane
Area 51
Philadelphia Experiment
Roswell Incident
Aurora Incident
Psychic Warriors
Time travel
Robots links

 (The following ones I have not yet classified… no yet…)
(In the "crucifixion" of Dalí, Christ crucified in a Tesseract suspended in space - The concept was already known at the time and was the object of Surrealist painting, as well as the concept of hyperspace that Picasso tried to express to paint things and people as it is assumed that they would be seen by beings of a higher dimension; and Picasso came it to express quite well. Just a be a superior dimension sees us ahead and behind at the same time, at the top and down at the same time, and both sides of the body - then the two sides of the face - at the same time and that sought to express the paintings of Picasso)     (Note that in some sequences the word Taliban already existed as a keyword of a secret code. Curious isn't it??)

Freedom fighters.-
Can someone tell me the difference between freedom fighters and terrorists? I am too thick and I can not understand it...
 This is not terrorism eulogy but my right based in the points 18 and 19 of the UDHR1948 (amended 1976). For me ETA, HAMAS, IRA, Terra Lliure, MPAIAC, Frente Polisario, etc., are not terrorists but freedom fighters fighting for the land of their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-great-grandfathers... that have been taken by invaders and kept at gun point for ever. The difference of definition between terrorism and National Security all depend of the side that makes the definition. If you are Estate National Security you can kill unpunished and become an hero, but if you are a freedom fighter, aka “terrorist”, and you kill you are a criminal. Who were the “terrorists” in what today is called Israel in 1940s? Well… “Their” behaviour nowadays would be called “terrorism”, not doubt about that… And what the French did in Algeria killing and torturing even children? Why no can be applied the French point of view when torturing children of “kill them before they grow” to every body instead of calling the freedom fighters criminals when civilians and/or a child gets caught in the cross fire?
“War is the terrorism of the riches and terrorism is the war of the poors”. Carlos Alberto Libanio (aka Fray Betto), ex-Brazilian polititian and anti-poverty campaigner.
 Yes… Tell me…

Anarchism? What anarchism?

Mikhail Bakunin did a huge mistake: Calling his political idea “Anarchism”.

Immediately all brain dead lazy bas**rds that there are in the Planet Earth did stick to the etymology of the word and did join that “anarchism”. The nowadays self called anarchists do not even know who was Mikhail Bakunin and not a chance of that they know or had read his theory at all. They are just hooligans, useless lazy people, crooks, thieves… that destroy anything but do nothing to improve the citizen’s welfare, nothing to create an organised structure with a view to create a Bakunin’s government model.

Bakunin did insist that freedom is compatible with order and “discipline” (for Bakunin “discipline” was synonymous of “order”). He always did maintain that a society without order is inconceivable. In other part of the works says: “For freedom I do not mean free will”. So… “Anarchism…”????

Discipline and order doesn’t mean that someone has to be in charge of anything forever, but to have things well set and organised so the new incoming leader/chief knows what is going on as if he/she were there when was organised. Easier to say than to do… but not impossible if you follow the Bakunin idea.

(I have and read the 6 books with the whole of his works, so I am not inventing things).

Himself notice that something was wrong but he didn’t realised what, as on his complain in one of his Knuto-Germanic letters to Ogaref where he says “the problem is that is a lost case to get the workers to do anything, they do prefer to go to the tavern to drink and play cards”.

Well… Sorry Mr Bakunin, What did you expect? If you say “anarchism” means no organization of any kind, no organised logistics for action, no scheduled commitments, no rules… no anything.

But I like very much indeed his real political/social idea.

He should have called it: People’s hierarchy. Because is what it is… Is the best ever political/social idea that I heard so far and does work when properly interpreted and properly introduced.  ButIt requires a lot of commitment, hard working and organization and logistics well done.

In those years was a tendency to create a new political/social system, what most of the “miraculous leaders to be” did call “new political system”, “new era”, “new State”. So was the case of Hitler in Germany (NAZI, so Nazism) and José Antonio in Spain (Falange, so Falangism). Mussolini’s fascism was nothing new… He did try to reinstall the Roman Empire including its political system.

Valentín González González, aka “El Campesino” (The Peasant), was a Badajoz’s countryman, anarchist leader of the CNT that did organise the Madrid’s defence against the Franco’s fascist army and did work until the communists took over by force (the communism is the left wing fascism).

Federica Montseny i Mañé, Minister of Health and Social Assistance, Spanish Republic II, between 04.11.36 and 16.05.37, was a Lady anarchist from Madrid of Catalan origin (member of the FAI) and designed and build what today is the Spanish National Health Service (nowadays totally corrupted and useless) and did work. At that time was second to none in the whole Europe.

So the Bakunin’s system works…

Common sense v. inteligence

You see… is a personal "crusade" against all that implies the concept of common sense and that popularly is implicit in sentences like “is a lifelong thing”, “like the old people says”, “didn't tell you your mum?”, etc., etc., etc.,…
That of “is a lifelong thing” is “per se” already an arrogant presumption. One could say that we have arrived at this planet with the last cloudburst and we fill our mouth with the “is a lifelong thing”, as if life didn't exist before we had been born. Then every time that I hear that, I apply the Saxon concept to the maximum: “Treat them with the contempt that they deserve”.
“Like  the old people says” it is what the old people “mentally” registered  as effect of a cause of which they didn’t have a clue and, in most of the cases, what their " mommy " told them, that was what their grandmother told to their mother, to whom the great-grandmother told her, to whom the great-great-grandmother told o to her great-grandmother, etc., etc., etc., and that was what their predecessors mentally registered since the beginning of the times without a single damn bloody clue or idea of the "why".
And “didn't tell you your mum?” it is not more and not less than the final stage of the above-mentioned. I always tried to do the opposite of what my mother told me and I am not sorry at all. As I say, my mother didn't have a damn bloody clue about anything.
In any of the previous cases, “treat them with the contempt that they deserve”.
The common sense is the equivalent to the “instinct” in the animals. 
I hate the “common sense”. The common sense is opposed to “intelligence”. A person with too much common sense doesn't have anything of intelligent, and a person that is intelligent do things that doesn’t have common sense at all. An intelligent person doesn't have common sense otherwise would not be intelligent, as a politician can not be honest otherwise would not be a politician.
 "Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do". Jean Piaget (1896–1980) Swiss philosopher and psychologist
 The common sense all what requires is very good memory. Full stop. Intelligence requires logic, not good memory, although good memory certainly helps to deploy the logic, but it is not necessary by definition.

Following the common sense today we would not have airplanes (lifelong was common sense that a thing heavier that the air cannot fly), we would not have cars, we would not have TV (lifelong was common sense that something that smashes against something cannot appear some centimetres further on and less without having gone by the amid space  in some way [quantum physics; the electrons that bombard the plate make a quantum leap to the screen]), we would not have refrigerators, central heating, telephones, computers, trains…
 Intelligence gave us all that and more than we will have that we cannot even to imagine.
The intelligence doesn't conform to with the “lifelong” thing, it wants to know the “why”, the cause of the effect, to study it and…artificially to modify it so that the effect changes as we need  or we want and, therefore, be no more "a lifelong thing". It was the mantra of Einstein: Why?
What a re they going to do next? Revive the dinosaurs? Revive the dinosaurs and we move to the Moon? Because we can not put dinosaurs in a zoo…
This Planet has survived long before the humans did show up and species disappear by other extinguishing them and the planet kept rolling and it seems that we do not miss those extinguished beasts at all. So, What is all the mumbo jumbo about? I am too thick and I can’t understand why for we need sharks, tigers, spiders, snakes, crocodiles… Sorry, this Planet has become too small, there is not room, “someone” needs to move out.
But the worse brain washing is about the global warming.
Our Planet will warm up with or without humans on it, with cars or without cars, with pollution or without pollution.
Our star, that we call Sun (I never understood why “Sun” and what the hell is a “sun”), as any other star in the Universe, it will follow its life cycle. We are made from the residues of the formatting explosion (result of the collapsing of a molecular cloud); our start -as any other star- is growing, slowly will push away or swallow the planets of its system (the Earth will be swallow) and finally will extinguish (has not mass enough to explode and become a supernova) becoming a white dwarf, and whatever we pollute the Planet Earth or we don’t.
In any case in 4 billion years the Milky Way will no exist anymore due to the collision with Andromeda Galaxy becoming part of it (The Milky Way is travelling towards Andromeda at about 324 to 391Miles/second). We are already so close that the Milky Way is being warped affecting also the environmental conditions in all the astral bodies in our galaxy, including the Earth, with pollution or without pollution.
Our star is growing at a rate of 0.0036% every year; one point will arrive that the heat due to the growth will evaporate all the water on Earth (thought, long before, life will be impossible on Earth) and will set on fire the Planet and in about 7.6 billion years the Earth will fall into the Sun, with pollution or without pollution.

Have a nice day…

Environmentalism brain wash

It seems that the Planet Earth is doomed because the humans are polluting the atmosphere that is what provokes the planet warming up so destroying the ice caps of the Poles, spreading wild fires, climate changes, etc., etc., etc, and diminishing the oxygen that we breath, depleting the atmosphere layer what increases the Sun’s radiation destroying us. And a whole rosary of calamities…
 The environmentalist groups are bombarding us on the media about how we are destroying the Planet. It is very rude finger point anyone…
Also we are driving to the edge of extinction several species… that are killing us as soon as they have any chance to do so… but, Ah! To be good people we must not to follow the natural law that says that “big fish eats small fish” and let those beasts to kill us and to ramble al over the planet restringing our freedom of movements on the water, forests… wherever.
What are they going to do next? Revive the dinosaurs? Revive the dinosaurs and we move to the Moon? Because we can not put dinosaurs in a zoo…
This Planet has survived long before the humans did show up and species disappear by other extinguishing them and the planet kept rolling and it seems that we do not miss those extinguished beasts at all. So, What is all the mumbo jumbo about? I am too thick and I can’t understand why for we need sharks, tigers, spiders, snakes, crocodiles… Sorry, this Planet has become too small, there is not room, “someone” needs to move out.
But the worse brain washing is about the global warming.
Our Planet will warm up with or without humans on it, with cars or without cars, with pollution or without pollution.
Our star, that we call Sun (I never understood why “Sun” and what the hell is a “sun”), as any other star in the Universe, it will follow its life cycle. We are made from the residues of the formatting explosion (result of the collapsing of a molecular cloud); our start -as any other star- is growing, slowly will push away or swallow the planets of its system (the Earth will be swallow) and finally will extinguish (has not mass enough to explode and become a supernova) becoming a white dwarf, and whatever we pollute the Planet Earth or we don’t.
In any case in 4 billion years the Milky Way will no exist anymore due to the collision with Andromeda Galaxy becoming part of it (The Milky Way is travelling towards Andromeda at about 324 to 391Miles/second). We are already so close that the Milky Way is being warped affecting also the environmental conditions in all the astral bodies in our galaxy, including the Earth, with pollution or without pollution.
Our star is growing at a rate of 0.0036% every year; one point will arrive that the heat due to the growth will evaporate all the water on Earth (thought, long before, life will be impossible on Earth) and will set on fire the Planet and in about 7.6 billion years the Earth will fall into the Sun, with pollution or without pollution.

Have a nice day…

Prehistoric mentality
Still in the XXI Century the humans have a prehistoric mentality.
We got by chance a knowledge too much ahead of our intellectual capacity, a knowledge that should be acquired –perhaps- in 5,000 years time, but our mentality is still the same than the people living in the prehistoric times. And “that” is very, very, very dangerous. It is like to give a loaded gun to a child.
In the old times people was worshiping anything that they did not know the “why”: The Moon, the Sun, the storms, the sea… As the scientific knowledge did develop, we are not worshiping “those” things anymore (Really…?) but, since still there are millions of things that we don’t know, nowadays we have swapped the natural events for mysterious super powers, ghosts, “Peter Pans”… that we call “gods”. If we don’t know, is the god’s hand: End of the problem.
It seems that the Greek philosophy in which the western societies are found is just a one more subject in the university curriculum to make our life more complicated but we have not a clue about that and less deeply run our lives by that philosophy. We behave just like fanatics about everything that we don’t know, like the prehistoric humans.
One of the well known syllogisms goes as “If A = B and B =C, then A = C”. This days should be adapted to the actual knowledge and rewrite it as “if any the other related circumstances are the same, then A = C”.
So… If anything that in the past was witchcraft, through the years have been found an explanation and even are new scientist knowledge and/or technology, anything that today we don’t know will have an explanation in the future. Or don’t… So what? Our brain is limited to 4 dimensions (3 physical + time) and we can not understand further than that due to the physic structure of our brain. We can not see or survive in a hyperspace for the same token.
Galileo nearly finish in the bonfire, but the Earth does spin around the Sun… And the Pope is supposed to be inspired by the “holy ghost”…  The “holy ghost” must have lost some “text parts” in the mail…
"There is nothing new under the sun but there are lots of old things we don't know." Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914); US writer.
But because we can not find an explanation doesn’t mean that there is not any. "Absence of proof is not proof of absence." Carl Sagan (1934-1996), US astronomer. I know… This statement is a double-edge sword… More democracy can not be… Each one takes the side that he/she likes.
When we want to enforce something, just convince people that is “The god’s will” and they will kill without blinking an eye. In the name of god have died more people than by any epidemic, illness, natural disaster, plague, etc., all together since the beginning of the times. Crusades (which real issue was a political, financial and power one between GermanyFrance and England), Islamic holy wars, The Inquisition, etc., etc., etc… Religion is always involved in all the wars. Like in Northern Ireland, for instance… In Northern Ireland can be made an political arrangement, but no way to arrive at any agreement in the religious field.
"I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education." Wilson Mizner (1876 - 1933), US screenwriter
"Faith is a charisma not granted to all; instead man has the gift of thought, which can strive after the highest things." Carl Gustav Jung